Kiek kofeino yra matcha arbatoje?

How much caffeine is in matcha tea?

Thinking of replacing your daily cup of coffee (or several) with matcha? Or maybe you want to replace it with another drink? For example, Matcha ?

Matcha is a powdered green tea obtained from the Camellia sinensis plant. Although matcha is made from the same plant as regular green tea, it is grown and prepared differently .

Due to the way it is grown, matcha is very rich in antioxidants, compounds that protect against damage to the body's cells that can cause disease. For the same reason, it also has more caffeine than other green teas.

Matcha caffeine content compared to green tea

A regular cup of green tea contains about 28 milligrams of caffeine. This number is approximate, as its amount can vary greatly depending on the amount, freshness and preparation of the tea itself. Typically, a cup of matcha, which is made from one teaspoon of matcha powder, contains about 70 milligrams of caffeine. Again, this number may vary depending on the preparation.

However, it would probably be more interesting to compare matcha with a cup of coffee - which has more caffeine?

Does matcha have as much caffeine as coffee?

If you are going to switch from coffee to matcha tea, we can tell you right away that on average, matcha will have less caffeine than coffee. If an average cup of matcha will have about 70mg of caffeine, then the same cup of coffee will have about 100mg and more.

However, caffeine content alone doesn't tell the whole story. Matcha tea, unlike coffee, contains L-theanine, which, together with caffeine, can help reduce stress, fatigue and increase alertness more effectively. Therefore, its effect is not necessarily weaker, it is simply different. This difference is especially relevant for those who want to adjust and maintain a more constant energy level during the day.

With matcha, you won't experience the midday "energy slump"

If one of your complaints about coffee is that after you get a quick burst of energy, that energy drops just as quickly after a while, then matcha tea is for you.

Remember the L-theanine mentioned earlier? This amino acid also adjusts the absorption rate of caffeine, thus smoothing out sudden changes in energy and maintaining it more evenly. It also reverses the effects of caffeine and can help prevent caffeine-related problems such as shaky hands, anxiety, and irritability.

Even more health benefits

Matcha has many health benefits. Read more about it here.

Start your matcha journey today!

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