Is matcha a good alternative to coffee?
Matcha - a great alternative to coffee?
After hearing and learning about all the benefits of matcha tea, its unique preparation method, the question arises: should you try to replace your morning cup of coffee with matcha tea? The answer is unequivocal - yes! You will be amazed at how your energy level, mood and quality of life will change. Matcha is the best alternative to coffee.
Matcha tea has a similar amount of caffeine compared to a regular cup of coffee. Also, when you drink matcha, you consume the entire green tea leaf with all its nutrients. That is why it is the best alternative to coffee. Another point is that the caffeine in matcha tea works quite differently.
Both matcha and green tea contain an important ingredient called L-theanine, which stabilizes caffeine absorption and has a calming effect. When you drink matcha , you will forget about sudden bursts and declines of energy, on the contrary, the energy covering the whole body will wake you up easily and you won't even notice when the cup of matcha stops working. Therefore, matcha is especially suitable for those for whom coffee causes anxiety, discomfort, tension or even symptoms of shaky hands.
Forget about energy swings, coffee-induced body dehydration and enjoy matcha , which balances energy so that it is enough for the whole day. Even if you decide to enjoy matcha more than once a day, you won't have any trouble trying to fall asleep in the evening!
What's more, recent studies show that consuming matcha even a few times a day equates to true health benefits. Matcha helps improve your overall health: lowers blood pressure, improves brain function, elevates mood, works against inflammation and regulates insulin.